I've mentioned them here before.
Gwyneth was born at just over 24 weeks gestations...she is nearly 3 months old now. Tricia has Cystic Fibrosis and is awaiting a new pair of lungs. Today is Nate's birthday...and they've been notified of a possible set of lungs for Tricia!! Their transplant team investigated some lungs just the other day, but they weren't suitable for Tricia.
I'm praying, if it's God's will, that these lungs will be for Tricia.
Will you join me?
Just got the message. I am praying over here, as well. Makes me want to cry, the thought of someone dying in order for Tricia to live, but that's what Jesus did, isn't it? I am registered as an organ donor. I hope you are too.
I am praying with you. Thank you for sharing their story.:)
God Bless!
wow they are definately in my prayers! my friend had cystic fibrosis, unfortunately she passed at 16. This story breaks my heart but and I have nothing but positive thoughts and prayers to offer them. Thank you for getting this out there. i have a tag for you talk to you soon!
♥ She's so tiny... I really hope that these ones work out! What an emotional rollercoaster they must be on!
Thank you!
I've been reading Nate's blog for a while now. So hopeful that this time is the charm!
my son needs a kidney, its so hard to pray for a organ, when your actually praying for someone to die. Its so hard. Your friends will be in our prayers. Now that I have blog friends, Theres a long list of those that need prayers, its humbling to have our 4 walls move out a bit to a larger world. Thanks for the story
I'm praying with you.
God Bless!
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