Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bring on the Hubby!

Oh my goodness. I absolutely CAN.NOT.WAIT for that husband of mine to be home.

Usually when he goes out of town, I'm still able to communicate with him. He has what we like to call a 'Crackberry'...because it's addictive...but if you don't know, it's really a BlackBerry. It's a cell phone that allows you access to the internet and email. So even if I can't speak to him on the phone, I'm able to send him a message...and get one back more often than not.

It has been a real drag to not have contact with him whenever I wanted it. See, I'm married to my best friend. Really. And there are things that would've been shared with him had we had more time. His crackberry didn't work in Estonia...and phone calls were super expensive. We emailed a little. And we were able to do some instant messaging on Saturday.

But it's just not the same.

It's not the same as having longer phone calls. Or face-to-face conversations. Or hugs and kisses.

I am ready for him to be home.

And he's on his way!

He has to stop in Paris (tell me again why I didn't go on this trip??), but he won't be in the best area to do anything...not to mention that he'll only be there for a couple of hours. Or so he says...hee!

He'll go from Paris to Minneapolis, where I once got stuck, so I'm hoping that his plane makes it home as scheduled.


My honey will be home soon...

Ella has perfected the Fish Face...she can't wait to show her daddy.

Evan...uh...really doesn't grasp the happenings.

They are prepared with Father's Day gifts.

I am prepared with a sunburn on my back that could really use some aloe.

Oh the things you need a husband for...

Bring on the hubby...



Beth Cotell said...

So glad your husband is on his way home! My husband just left for a trip but he'll only began a few days.

Enjoy your belated Father's Day celebration!

Amy said...

You know that I know how you feel...When I was away, it was horrible not being able to just pick up the phone anytime that I wanted and hear Shannon's voice....I could not believe how difficult it was to even find a working payphone overseas....it was so frustrating!
I'm glad your sweetie is coming home...Love him up!

God Bless,

Brittany said...

Aw! Yay! I am so glad he's coming home!!! :)

Anonymous said...

prayers for safe travels!

Jenny said...

Aw, this post is so sweet! I hope your hubby makes it home safely and quickly!

Kelli said...

so when he gets home will we not see a post for afew days while you talk and talk and talk to get caught up? hehe (talk and talk)

Debbie said...

You are sappy. I give you props. I don't know if the kids would make it through single parenting/part-time with me.

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

ahem, have fun tonight, ahem.


Anonymous said...

Yea fo rhubby coming home -- we will not expwct any posts while you two catch up on things!! :P

I love the "crackberry" my hubby has one too but I have never heard that name for it!

Thanks again for the blog design -- I have already gotten a bunch of comments on it!

Lorrie said...

I'm so glad for you! And I know Donald is glad to be coming home.
Rob hates it when he has to leave us for business trips. Thankfully it doesn't happen very often.
I love to hear a spouse call their spouse their best friend. That is truly a treasure.
Blessings beyond measure.


Unknown said...

OH boy do I know this feeling! Have a wonderful reunion! : )

Cindy Kraft said...

"crackberry" huh? I thought it was dingleberries? LOL..JK Well, I bet we'll be seeing Ella's new fish face tomorrow. Better be.lol Hopefully his flight isn't anything like ours was. What a long 12hr day it was Sat. Gorgeous weather(65-70*) ya'll should be jealous! No internet except for tonight. So I do miss ya! Have some great pics coming.