I mentioned on Tuesday that my husband has 6 1/2 weeks of employment left.
I'm not sure exactly why I haven't brought it up on my blog before now. There is no reason to be ashamed or anything. His (civilian military) job is being moved to a place we don't feel led to go. The move is beyond our control, and it doesn't make a lot of sense to us...but it is what it is.
We are rooted here. We have family. We have great friends. We have a nice church home.
We'd really like to stay here...or at least close.
But even with all of those reasons to stay, I don't want to go against what God wants for our family, nor do I want my husband to end up in a job that he's miserable showing up for everyday.
For the past 8+ years, he's had a fabulous job. For the last 2 1/2 years, he has been running the show, and although that meant that he had to travel a lot, he has loved his job. He's been able to travel internationally. He was able to take me to Hawaii, D.C. and North Carolina on a few of his trips. It has been stable and it's been the means by which God has provided everything we need...not to mention that I've been blessed to stay home with my children from day one.
As they say, I guess, all good things must come to an end.
If we have to relocate, I will be a supportive wife. I believe that the leader of our family should be happy doing what he needs to do to provide. It wouldn't be easy, but at least we would be together. (This is where I think of true military families where the family can't be together while the provider provides...what a sacrifice! Thank you, military families!) At least we would be together.
Monday, he received word that someone had called his 'company' inquiring about him.
Tuesday, I mentioned the job issue in my post and asked you to pray.
Wednesday, he was contacted to set up a job interview.
I see no coincidence here.
You told me you would pray. I believe that you did. And now he has a job interview.
This is an open door. Who knows (only God) if this is the door, but it's a door.
This particular job would keep us where we are, with very little change in income and benefits, and his time towards retirement would carry over. Huge pluses.
The interview is next Tuesday at 9am.
Please continue praying...
God is at work.

Yay! I am so happy for you both, Tina!
That is very exciting! And I am stopping right now to pray for you both.
And when you get a chance, shoot me an email....I have a book I want to tell you about; I think you might be interested in it.
Keep us updated on what Hubby finds out.
Much love,
Thanks for the update, we WILL be praying!
Oh, you know we're praying! I am hoping you get to stay here, but I totally get being willing to go where God calls your husband. I told mine that not too long ago, when he thought he might be relocating out of TN. It turned out to not happen, and I'm happy, but it meant a lot to him that I was willing to go.
Prayers for you and hubby! I hope things work out the way you want them to. Should I cross my fingers too? ; )
God is good, still praying.
♥ Congrats on the interview! :)
Will continue to pray!!
Tina I have been so wrapped up in our lives and what is happening here in Texas that I feel I neglected a friend!
We are praying and we will continue to pray and next Tuesday we will call upon the name of the Lord in your name!
Your hubby's job situation will be on the prayer list for Sunday! God Bless!
Wow!! God is so good:) Ain't it so?
I think thats very exciting. Prayers and Hugs as always!
Dear Abba Father, You know EXACTLY where this sweet family needs to be. We ask you to make it so clear. Slam doors tight. Open only one wide. Most of all give courage and willingness to follow your voice. We know you created us and know what is "good" for us--praise you for that!!!"
I have followed my husband around so much--but with each move God has blessed my obedience--and given me abundance at each new place. Maybe one day I'll get to just stay :) I can still hope can't I? :)(this is coming from me when I already know a move is in order in 9 months!!!)
I am getting the knee pads out!! I will be in prayer.....
Geez, I don't check in for a few days and you throw THIS out there?! You now I'm moving to Memphis in a few weeks, right?
I read your post and it brought back old feelings and prayers and memories of all the times we moved.
It takes obedience in prayer to really know what God is telling you to do, but I know you are praying. I know you're full of Faith and I know you'll follow where He leads.
I'm praying for you guys, but the selfish part of me wants you to stay because I can FINALLY meet you. :)
I will continue to pray! God is good! Congrats on the interview and keep us posted!
God works in mysterious ways, even prayers from blogger friends!!
Ya for the interview!!
Wow! When things happen they happen fast don't they. You know, it's usually after the fact that we can look back and see what God's will was/is.
Hang on, He's faithful and will get you and Donald where he wants you. I will pray for you to have peace of mind and peace in general. I know that not knowing can be most stressful sometimes.
Prayers are on the way!
I will be praying for God to open the perfect job for your family.
Wow I just got on your blog and I am so happy for the work that god is doing in your live. He is so good.
Finally, I am in time to do something. I will continue to pray for you and the hubs. Please keep us posted.
I really hope that things are working out for you. I have a lot of faith in prayer too and know that we are led to certain places at certain times because it's part of His plan. We not only have to have faith, but trust is a big part
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