Donald broke up with his girlfriend. His feelings for me had changed...but I didn't know it.
My sweet 16th birthday rolled around in February. I had a basketball game that day, but before my game, a friend of mine told me that Donald liked me. Eek...what to do??
I had planned a bowling party followed by a slumber party (the first and only 'friend' party I ever had!) for after my game. I think I told my dad a little about my friendship with Donald...I had invited him to bowl with me and my girlfriends...I didn't want dad to freak. He came to bowl with us...and I think he gave me a card with money in it as a gift. (that cracks me up now!) And I now knew that he liked me, but I just couldn't muster up those feelings I had put away.
So best friends we continued to be.
That summer, I found out that he took two of my girlfriends to the movies.
Oh, what's this? I was jealous!
I began to think about him a lot. On our 2nd day of school as Juniors, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes.
Our romance began in the halls of high school. And I think we made people ill. We held hands. We ate lunch together every day. He spoiled me.
We also got into trouble...but we stuck together, never playing that 'break up/make up' game.
We graduated high school and went on to college, together. We took every class, except for three, together. We graduated, together. We had been together for nearly six years. We were married that August.
God brought us through some rocky years of being young and really stupid. His hands crafted our relationship even in the midst of the ugly. I mean really, God worked hard on this, folks.
I have the best friend and husband that God created just for me. I can't imagine being married to anyone else. We grew up together. We've endured a lot. And we are stronger than most because of it.
Thank you, Lord, for my husband and our marriage. Help us to protect it and honor each other everyday. Amen.
I hope you've enjoyed my story. I'd love to hear yours!
I'm not officially tagging anyone...but I REALLY do want you to post your story. Please leave me a comment if you're going to participate. Thanks!

That is SO much fun! What a wonderful story to tell your kids. How wonderful that you became Best friends, first (I think that's the way God intended it to be!). :)
Awesome! My husband and I dated off and on for 6 years before we gave up and got married (really. :))
What a great story! I may have to do mine soon.
sweet story!
Your story is very similar to mine, I didn't want to date my hubby (high school) because we were such good friends, but one of my friends convinced me and we have been together ever since. We were married right after school, and it hasn't been easy either, Very young and stupid!! But God has been very good to us too.
Of course, I knew this was going to be good. Loved part I, part II was lovely.
Thanks for sharing.
What a sweet story of romance and love.
Thanks for playing this game with me.
I loved getting to know more about you (and Donald, of course).
Big hugs,
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