Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Top Ten Tuesday - Things on my Busy Brain

1. I'm excited...oh so excited about where God has brought us. We are SUPER blessed.

2. Today is the girl child's last day as a 'preschooler'.

3. Life is about to get weird...having to say 'it's a school night', getting up and out every morning and having one child at home.

4. The old house is empty and the carpet is being cleaned today...we're almost done with this thing!

5. I hope all goes well between now and Thursday and we actually get to close at 1pm Thursday.

6. The bank will still be open after we close...and I'm 'skipping' all the way there with our profits.

7. Maybe the weather will be cooler during our next phase of moving...I'm really tired of being hot and sweaty.

8. Ooooo....sort of praying for rain on Thursday. That would cancel soccer practice and allow the four of us to go out for a celebration dinner. Woot woot!

9. I'm SO looking forward to this weekend...it will be the first weekend in a long time that we won't have to do SOMETHING for the move. We might actually get to play at the pool!!

10. I wonder how many of my pet peeves will be tested today. ha!



rthling said...

I'll be praying it all goes as planned.

Anonymous said...

Lots going on in your world! All good memories!