Monday, June 14, 2010

Sofia... the six month old baby girl of a fellow choir member/friend at church.

She ran a high fever and became lethargic last Wednesday.

Her mother took her to the ER where she had several seizures. A CT scan revealed fluid on her brain...and a tumor. Surgery was performed to insert a drain for the fluid.

An MRI on Thursday showed a 2 inch tumor in the center of her brain.

She will have surgery today. They will remove as much of the tumor as they can safely remove...and will probably began chemo treatments soon.

Please join me in prayer for this baby girl.

God has a plan...


Brittany said...

Oh my! Praying!

Anonymous said...

Such a young little girl!! She (and he family) will be in my prayers!!

Doran & Jody said...

Oh how sad and scary!
Good luck to the family.
They will be in my prayers as well.

Becky said...
