Monday, September 5, 2011

Changing course. Literally.

We started school with a particular math curriculum. Evan's math wasn't set to start until this next week, but Ella and I have been working on hers for three weeks now.

It isn't what I thought it would be. It doesn't go where I felt it should. So, as to keep the children on what I consider a proper level, we are switching our math curriculum. As soon as the order comes in, we'll be rockin' on with something to keep us challenged. I am very excited. And, I'm glad we aren't too far into the year.

Everything else seems to be going well. We have a few books that will end sooner than the 'end' of our year, so we'll have to order the next level up and move on.

The moments of 'am I doing the right thing?' are starting to fade. I am still receiving confirmation from the Lord regarding our decision. Even from Ella's former teachers!

This seems like the biggest, best calling I've ever had in life. No, it's not for everyone...but I consider it a privilege to be in a position to take advantage of homeschooling. I can't tell you for certain that we'll do this forever...I do not believe that I am in control of that decision. If God tells us to 'change course', we will be obedient, just as we are now.

My lesson plans are typed and ready for the week's a short week, but I'm prepared and that makes me a happy momma.

What else makes me happy? A 'holiday' is here just in time for me to mop the floors. Hey, clean the house or school the kids?

The floors could use my attention.

Otherwise, I'll have to flunk myself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it is so great that you are homeschooling. I must say I too have said I would NEVER home-school but if God told me to do it I guess I would. He hasn't done that yet though :)
Hey are you selling Scentsy still? I need some stuff so email me and I will see how I need to place an order. Thanks!