Monday, October 15, 2007

7 and a wake up...

YAY!! We've hit the one week mark! It really hasn't been too terrible...but don't tell Donald, haha!

This is Ella's Calendar...she does a great job of marking off the 'sleeps'!

Let me give you a little funny...Ella, who is 3 1/2, has been dishing out the 'big' words left and right. She has told me 'I'm using my imagination' - 'That's so complicated' - 'That's ridiculous' - and 'Yes, definitely'. I love that she pays attention to adults in order to learn these words...and even how to use them appropriately. I told her that I was proud of her for being such a big girl and that she has a big vocabulary for a 3 year old. Her response - 'My name is not Larry'. Hee hee. She is still my three year old!

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