Sunday, June 15, 2008

These Daddies are Blessings to Me

My Dad. He is logical. Rational. Funny. Intelligent. And he tells it like it is. He was and is a great dad. I still ask him for advice. And I'm more likely to take it now than I used to be...amazing what a few years will do.

Even though he has successfully taught my kids that sticking their tongues out is a necessary childhood habit, I still call him the best Papa ever.

And if you think I'm crazy sometimes...let me show you that I come by it honestly.

Never a dull moment around this guy. Well...except in the middle of the day sitting around his house. He'll be dozing off in his recliner...even with a really loud grandson running around him. Ah, 'sawing logs'...he's known for it. Hope you get a great nap today, pa!

Dad, I love you! Happy Father's Day!!


My Husband. My Mr. Wonderful. I knew years before we had children that he would make an awesome father. My instincts were spot on. God knew exactly what kind of guy I would need to help me raise children. He is stern when he needs to be, and a tender comfort when things aren't quite right. He keeps us all in check. He is so smart. I really think he knows at least a little about everything. Including his extensive 'brain almanac' of useless sports statistics...but that's ok. It's his thing.

And just so you don't mistakenly think that he is some super serious guy...we don't have to worry about getting good laughs around here.

Honey, you are awesome...I love you!
Happy Father's Day!!

We miss you...wish you were here!!

***signs are blurry, but their faces are great...attempted a won't load...and hubs doesn't get sound in Estonia anyway...maybe another day!!***



Kelli said...

Great post. I love the pic of all of you on the tire swing, I can see each of you in your kiddos. How is hubby doing so far way? has he called or is that to expensive? emails? hows the race? Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

aww, what a sweet post! i love it. happy father's day to your special guys!

jennwa said...

I hope you guys are having a great Father's Day!!!!!

Amy said...

What a sweet and funny post, Tina!
Your kids are so yummy!
Happy Father's Day to the two awesome Dad's in your life!
God Bless,

ToolSmartz said...

Thank you, my Darling Daughter- I love you too!


Anonymous said...

Happy fahters day to your hubby in Estonia -- thanks fo the map, I knew in general where it was. :)

Lorrie said...

Alright, Let me start out by saying, You're dad looks quite young to be a grandpa! (you're welcome, dad!)
And second, my hormones must be out of sink because I got a bit verclempt over that last picture. Yes, I had an emotion.
Loved this post! Loved the family pics! Loved it all!
See you at the Y someday.


Brittany said...

Oh my gosh. What a bunch of goofball men!!! I LOVE IT! :)

Hope you're making it ok, all alone! Have a great week!!

Are You Serious! said...

♡ Great pictures! :)

Debbie said...

I remember taking that picture on the cruise. Awesome. What good times. I'm glad we married our perfect half.