It takes us nearly an hour to get to said zoo; (note to self: next time, plug in the DVD player so the kids won't bug me to death by asking 'are we there yet?') so when we venture that direction, we really should make it count.
We spent 5 hours at the zoo!! We saw it all and the kids were very happy campers. (and my feet hurt...must get the kids to build up their muscles so they can pull ME in the wagon...ok, hubs did the wagon-pulling, but still)
Ella: Mom, you know what my favorite animal was?
Me: No, which one?
Ella: I loved the pandas. What was your favorite?
Me: I really liked the five giraffes.
Ella: Oh, they were my favorite, too. Evan, what was your favorite?
Evan: My favorite was the penguins.
Ella: Oh, they were my favorite, too. Daddy, what was your favorite?
Daddy: I liked the snakes.
Ella: OH! They were my favorite, too!!
I think we need to explain what 'favorite' really means...

aww that is so cute! :)
She just loves all the animals!! : )
Tiffany does that with colors!!
hey -- i was there FRIDAY and we were all there again SATURDAY with the newbys! hate that i missed you!
So cute! I love going to the zoo.
♥ It's so hard to pick only one favorite! :)
You've got to love a girl who loves everything the best.;)
Those are my favorite kinds of people....the ones with the ability to make you feel like you are the most special person to them.....Sounds to me like you are growing a special treasure there.
Big hugs, (you're my favorite!) ;)
I so love the zoo and use to take the older boys every year, then one year (snif) they asked why we have to go EVERY year. so we stopped. now we are back on. Yeah for more little kids in the house!
Oh how I wish I had that attitude. Maybe that's the reason Jesus prefers children.
I like your list of questions. Very creative.
I don't look at the experation date on milk. First of all, I buy skim. Seriosly, can skim actually go bad. And secondly, with a household of five, we drink it pretty fast. At least the kids do anyway. I don't care for it much myself.
As for shoes. Highly overated inside and outside. I guess I should say a big thank you for flip flops. They keep me a bit civil.
Now that it's not so hot, I really should take the kids to the zoo. I am just so lazy!
Sounds like you guys had fun at the zoo and that she liked ALL of the animals :)
We have similar conversations with The Bean. Glad y'all had fun!
we have lots of favorites too! isn't it precious?!
Ah, how cute!
I told my little girl about a book that was my favorite when I was little and now everything is, "Mommy, this was your favorite when you was a little kid." and it's so cute that I can't help but agree!
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