Monday, November 19, 2007

30 for Donald

You must understand. I am a self-proclaimed dork. I do dorky things. When you read the list below of the 30 reasons I love my husband, you'll understand. You must also keep in mind that it's the small things that mean the most sometimes...right?? This is not by any means a list full of's really silly at times. I wrote it to make everyone laugh, but yet each thing is really true. I'm proud to be a dork! :) (see, I tell the truth!)

"30 Reasons I Love You"
As read to the party crowd at Donald's Surprise 30th Birthday Skating Party:

1. You are a loving, Christian, family man.
2. You loved me through two huge, body-distorting pregnancies.
3. You are so smart and know something about almost everything.
4. You are a great husband who occasionally remembers to put his clothes in the hamper.
5. You are one of the funniest, wittiest people I know. Thank you for making me laugh.
6. You are ‘pure power’ on a bike – but I’m only taking your word for it.
7. You make beautiful babies and you love them dearly.
8. You can quote appropriate movie lines for any situation.
9. You don’t mind cleaning up vomit.
10. You love my family.
11. You are respected by all who know you.
12. You support my ice cream addiction.
13. You would give me the moon if you could.
14. You see the best in people.
15. You don’t mind watching chick flicks with me.
16. You knew you wanted to marry me when you were 17.
17. You went to college with me.
18. You make my bacon with the perfect amount of crunch.
19. You work hard for our family.
20. You didn’t stink when you came home from India.
21. You let me have my moments...sometimes hours.
22. You do all the research needed before we make decisions.
23. You got rid of your mullet.
24. You bought me a laptop today and don’t even know it! KIDDING!
25. You generally like spending time with me…especially since I’ll watch sports with you.
26. You throw our kids around like rag-dolls without damaging their skulls.
27. You usually don’t mind shopping…until the kids start yelling!
28. You have great integrity and character.
29. You're missing the Tigers game to be here tonight because I said so.
30. You are turning 30 before me!!

Disclaimer: Donald won't officially be 30 until Wednesday...posting this today is not meant to age him prematurely...he must enjoy his final days as a 20-something.


Anonymous said...

Thank God for #23 and #1 and not necessarily in that order... :-)

Happy Birthday Son. I love you...


Kellan said...

What a truly wonderful list and tribute to what sounds like the most perfect husband and father!! He sounds wonderful and that makes you very lucky. This list was so nicely done and so witty - I truly enjoyed it. Happy Birthday to you wonderful husband. Also, have a great weekend. See you soon. (I loved #24). Kellan