Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A child's apology

Ella had a mishap at school last week. She came to me and broke down while telling me what had happened. Poor girl. She was SO remorseful. I asked her if she had told her teacher that she was sorry....she said no and said she could write her a note.

This is what she came up with...

I am a very proud momma....


Southern Girl said...

Oh, that is so sweet, and how precious that she seeks to apologize and make things right. You're doing a good job, Mama! ;)

rthling said...

What a great lesson to learn!
Such a sweet girl!

Jen said...

She's so sweet! I'm sure her teach will really appreciate that note.

Anonymous said...

Kids are too darn sweet :) I am sure her teacher will LOVE IT!!!!